The message 1976 film
The message 1976 film

the message 1976 film the message 1976 film

bersamaan dengan beberapa tokoh petinggi Quraisy. Sebagai gantinya, film ini mengambil tokoh-tokoh lain dekat Rasul, yang tidak kalah penting juga, sebagai karakter-karakter yang mempunyai peran penting dalam menentukan ke mana jalan cerita film ini mengarah, seperti Hamzah bin Abdul-Muththalib, Bilal bin Rabah, Zaid bin Haritsah, dll. Tidak hanya itu, beberapa sahabat Beliau yang merupakan al-Khulafa` ar-Rasyidin pun tidak ditampilkan juga. Untuk menghormati sang Rasul dan umat Muslim, di film ini beliau tidak ditampilkan wujudnya sama sekali. The Message (Arabic: Ar-Rislah means Prophecy originally known as Mohammad, Messenger of God) is a 1976 Lebanese religious drama movie directed by Moustapha Akkad and starring Anthony Quinn, Irene Papas, Michael Ansara, Johnny Sekka, Michael Forest, André Morell, Martin Benson, Garrick Hagon, Damien Thomas, Earl Cameron.

the message 1976 film

Namun, ada juga beberapa peristiwa yang sebenarnya penting dalam sejarah Islam tetapi terlewatkan, sebagai contoh Perang Khandaq. Pas lindjes së islamit Muhamedit s.a.v.s (Paqja dhe mëshira e Allahut qoftë mbi të) i erdhi meleku më i dashur i Allahut, i cili bëri thirrje atij ta udhëheq popullin e Mekës dhe t’iu bëjë me dije që ta adhurojnë vetëm atë, por Muhamedit s.a.v.s ju desh të largohet nga Meka drejt Medinës, të marrë armët dhe fuqinë për. Yang diceritakan dalam film ini tentunya hanyalah kejadian-kejadian penting dan membekas dalam sejarah Islam, mengingat durasinya yang terbatas. Deri në shekullin VII fiset arabe jetonin të ndara. Namun, sang sutradara dengan cerdiknya mengemas ceritanya yang sebenarnya memakan durasi yang lebih panjang, tetapi dibuat dengan sesingkat-singkatnya mungkin namun padat dan menyeluruh. While seeking to preserve his father’s work, with this initiative Malek felt all the importance and the actuality of the message of peace that it carries.Dengan durasinya yang hanya 3 jam, sebenarnya film ini terlalu singkat untuk menceritakan sejarah Islam sejak awal-awal kemunculannya hingga peristiwa Fathu Makkah. ” I thought I should tell the story that will bring this to the West,” the director told the Washington Post in 2005. Bringing together the biggest names in cinema like Anthony Quinn and Irene Papas for its English version, Abdallah Ghaith and Mouna Wassef for its Arabic version and a soundtrack written by Maurice Jarre, the film met with an exceptional success, that led him to an Oscar nomination in 1977. The film, which was made in 1976 simultaneously in Arabic and English, tells the life of the Prophet Muhammad. “The story that will bring this history to the West” “ We want to give the film a new lease of life in order to restore the fame it had acquired in the past and that we hope to perpetuate with new generations,” says Malek. Malek Akkad converted his father’s first film into digital format, the one that launched his career, to make it more contemporary. On the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, The Message is released on the big screens of eleven countries in the Middle East in an exceptional 4K quality version.

The message 1976 film